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Spirits of Metropolis now available on GamersGate!

Just a quick update: Spirits of Metropolis can now be purchased on! Though I just realized they called it Spirit of Metropolis by accident. Whoops.

Another game not made by us but worth checking out is called Immortal Defense, also now available at GamersGate. Rinkuhero has been a major help in launching Spirits of Metropolis, so do check that game out. It’s pretty crazy.

I’m in talks with Direct2Drive in bringing Spirits over to that site, so things are lookin’ nice. Oh, and if you’re registered on the Vertigo Games Forums, I do recommend checking out the VG Labs forum for something interesting.

One more quick update: The competition results were delayed due to some personal reasons, so as a result the greenTech Special Edition will have to be pushed back as well. It will be out this month. Woo!

greenTech: Special Edition coming soon

As I await the results of the GM Competition, I thought I’d pass along some info on the Special Edition of greenTech I’ve got cooking.
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The 2009 Vertigo Games Guide of game announcements, details, releases, patches, and surprises! Woo!

So now that the holidays are behind me, as well as my current game projects, it’s time to answer some questions and get down and dirty with what Vertigo Games will be doing in 2009.
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greenTech RELEASED!

I’ve just submitted my second competition game ever, called greenTech. It’s now available to play on, and since they’re judging based on the game AND the number of plays it gets, please please please play this game. 🙂
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greenTech Teaser Trailer

Well we’re just moving right along, aren’t we?
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First off, a big thanks to everyone who’s tried out the demo and purchased Spirits of Metropolis so far. Your support is greatly appreciated, and will go to fund even more great games in the future. I hope you all had a great Christmas and upcoming New Years.
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