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Randomness #9530 – Oil Blue Soundtrack, Games & More

First off, happy Fourth of July weekend for all the American readers out there! Nothing better than blowing stuff up real good. Just a few quick things before I head on out this weekend:
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Art on a Shelf: The Vertigo Games Logo

Long live Art on a Shelf! The blog series continues today with an update of a different sort, as we leave the realm of video game design and talk about video game LOGO design! Read More…

Keepin’ it Rollin’.

When do you call it quits on a project? When you realize it’s not working for you, or for anyone else? Perhaps the work is too much, or the assets needed too expensive. Or maybe it’s due to the creator being a complete moron the first few times around making the game before something snaps and it actually starts to look promising. Folks, that moron is that guy I am.
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Randomness #484

Just a quick update on all things gaming-

-I’m getting down to crunch time on the Oil Blue, so there will be limited updates from here till the beta is released.

-Because of all this, the podcast is once again delayed till whenever I can make it. I also have a secret project I’m doing that I can hopefully announce next month!

-The Oil Blue and the other project will be invitation-only betas, so be sure to check your forum PM box or emails once I make the formal announcement.
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Randomness #401

First off, just a huge thanks to all the Kickstarter backers…you guys are awesome. Prepare to enjoy some updates soon on the Kickstarter blog with Liquisity, though most updates will happen once the Oil Blue is out the door late this month.
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Over the weekend I got to enjoy the sights of Vegas with my family; it was the third time I’ve been there, but the first time I’ve been of legal age to do anything, ya know, Vegas-y.
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