Randomness #484

Just a quick update on all things gaming-

-I’m getting down to crunch time on the Oil Blue, so there will be limited updates from here till the beta is released.

-Because of all this, the podcast is once again delayed till whenever I can make it. I also have a secret project I’m doing that I can hopefully announce next month!

-The Oil Blue and the other project will be invitation-only betas, so be sure to check your forum PM box or emails once I make the formal announcement.

-Being sick is no fun and I hate it. 🙁

-Kickstarter updates will start next week! Check out this other Kickstarter Project that I lent an invitation to start up. Seems like a neat idea!

Until next week folks, everyone have a good weekend. Woo!

Picture by therealfish.

6 Commentsto Randomness #484

  1. JKR says:

    Secret project, eh? Looking forward to seeing it on the blog next month. I second that being sick sucks. Spent the last 5 days in bed myself. Stupid diseases.

    Good luck with the projects. Also go check your email when you have a minute.

  2. blueflare says:

    secret project?


  3. heyjd says:

    YAY… can’t wait to see the secret project your doing ❗ Also when will The Oil Blue beta be out ❓ That just said said it’ll be soon but do you have any specific dates ❓

  4. Still waiting for that podcast. :mrgreen:

  5. chubigans says:

    Oh crap my email! I shall check it now. :mrgreen:

    No specific dates on Oil Blue beta, because me and calendar dates don’t seem to agree with each other lately.

  6. zacattack says:

    looking forward to it