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Cook, Serve, Delicious! Extra Crispy Edition is now available!

I’m happy to announce that the Extra Crispy Edition of Cook, Serve, Delicious is now available for PC, Mac and Linux! (Android and iPad users should already have the extra content in their game!)
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Cook, Serve, Delicious: Extra Crispy Edition coming May 7th to PC/Mac/Linux!

I’m happy to announce that Cook, Serve, Delicious! Extra Crispy Edition will be out on May 7th as the new standard version for $8.95, as well as a free patch for current PC/Mac owners. Not only that, but it will be making it’s debut on Linux! Woo!
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Mac/Linux Users- need a quick test for CSD v2.0!

Hiah folks! I am in need of a quick test for those running Mac/Linux OSes for the new version of Cook, Serve, Delicious!
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Cook, Serve, Delicious! Ports & DLC Update
There’s a bunch of news on the ports and DLC front, so I thought I’d combine them all here in one big blog post.
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CSD v1.2 Details: Four New Foods Including Lobster & More!

Love your menu but wish there were just a few more dishes to accommodate your high end clientele? Well this update is for you, my friend. Introducing the four new foods coming to Cook, Serve, Delicious for iPad! (should be out early next week)
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CSD Sales Revealed, iPad update coming soon!
Hey folks! Time for a quick Cook, Serve, Delicious update!
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