I’m happy to announce a new game called KABLOOEY! (All in a day’s work.)

Eagle-eyed fans may recognize the sprite set from the unreleased Helicopter Cacophony 3. I’ve retouched those graphics and added a new type of lighting to the game to bring a weird visual look to the game…kinda like a model trainset in a way. The graphics in the pic below are a bit early but gives you an idea of what the game is shaping to look like.

So what is the game? I’m not going to say at the moment. It’s not an action game, and it’s not using the HC3 engine or anything. It’s a bit more like the Sandbox of God in a way. In a big way, really.

I’ll have more on the game as I get closer to releasing the beta, and I’ll announce yet another new game towards the end of March. Woo!

20 Commentsto NEW GAME ANNOUNCEMENT: Kablooey!

  1. blueflare says:

    Wow, this looks interesting! I’m excited!

    also that new game better be ONR3 or i swear i’ll hunt down your car and drive it into a ditch


  2. marioandluigi206 says:

    Was the set done by Him?
    Well whoever did them, i’m glad they aren’t going to waste!

  3. chubigans says:

    They were indeed by Him. I ditched the black outline on all the sprites so it’ll match the surrounding landscape much, much better.

    I plan on doing ONR3 as soon as I have some cash. Seriously. 😀

  4. blueflare says:

    hahaha, good! 😀

  5. blueflare says:


    just noticed the name of the fort in the picture

    subtle, chubs 🙂

  6. UltimateAgent says:

    Money? Are you telling me you have nothing left from that 1000? I knew you had debts, but seriously..I wanted a new ONR3 soon.

  7. UltimateAgent says:

    Also, the title of the game made me lawl.

    Also: This blog needs a edit button.

  8. Haha, just noticed the fort name. Very very awesome! 🙂

  9. chubigans says:

    They haven’t contacted me regarding the money yet. 🙁

    Hah, your name really does lend itself nicely to a military fortress, Lost. 😀

  10. Hehe, its Dutch for cracking 😛

    Also, didn’t YoYo say on their blog that they were having trouble with their payments so paying the winners will be delayed a bit or something? Meh, I have no idea.

  11. I Am Moody says:

    Looks great! Can’t wait to play.

  12. minmay says:

    Looks like some form of military strategy game. Perhaps it’s like this:

    1. You lay out all your troops and buildings, and maybe change some properties (what weapons to use and such).
    2. You click a button that sends the enemies in. You can’t do anything after you send them in; you just watch to see if your forces fight them off.
    3. You win. Or you lose. Or you change things around for the next wave.

    Ehh, yeah, right.

  13. ashkan_gc says:

    another game?!! great !!!
    i am agree with minmay 😀

    oh P.S chubs, are you clueless with coding???
    if you need help or someone to guide you about game engines i have a good amount of information about most of them because it’s a long time from a day that i forgot GM.

    is this game free? what about the other game that you want to anounce?

  14. Heh, ashkan I think someone who’s been making games for 8 years will be fine. 😛

  15. ashkan_gc says:

    hi lost!!!!
    i think like you but chubs himself said this.

    and from another viewpoint, i don’t know too much about david, maybe he is not a programmer and his coding experience is limited to GM then choosing a 3D engine may become hard.

    you should know something about different collision methods and physics engines and rendering types and many other things like lighting algorithms, right!!! i just want to help someone that made good games and can design good gameplays and made fun games for me to play to make better games and some money from his titles.

    do you know if ONR was a web based game in flash, unity, shockwave game, it was a good money making machine from advertisements

    oh and everyone take a look at
    i did not test this game creator from microsoft but it can make 2D games based on silverlight for the web.

  16. Yackemflaber says:

    looks cool, like maybe you can stop time then click and drag stuff to manipulate how it will move when time starts up again?

  17. Personally I don’t even want to guess how the game will play. Because knowing my luck, chances are I’ll just be horribly wrong and look like an idiot.

    On another note, has anyone noticed anything weird with the server? The uptime has been going Kablooey. Its been up and down all over the place. :\

  18. amidos2006 says:

    Hey David 🙂
    try to finish this game fast before 15 april i think as u can join in a competition by using it 🙂 where the grand prize is 10,000 $ and 1st two position after it 2,500 $ which looks awesome (important that everything is legal no ripping ) and i am sure that u dont do that 🙂
    the competition site

    I may participate but i have some difficulties as i am working by my own and i am not good composer and i dont know from where to get sound legal sound effects with no ripping 🙁
    I made a post in forums searching for someone to help me in sound effects and music but no reply :'(

    so if u know any sites that contain free soundeffects and music or someone how can help me 🙂 in that i will be grateful 🙂

    Hope u read this comment as i dont think u see my last ones 🙁

    I love u david
    and I adore ur games 🙂

  19. fuzion_creative says:

    I agree, go for it Chubby.

    amidos2006, here’s one that I use, mainly for SFX but it has background music too. If you want, I can probably get you some original songs.

  20. amidos2006 says:


    Yes Yes I wanna this resources 😀 So Thnx
    plz contact me on my email 😀
    totally thnx 🙂