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greenTech 2.0 now available!

Just a quick heads up that greenTech 2.0 is now available on the YoYo Games website and right here on vertigogaming.net! With this new version you’ll find more music, 24 unlockable monitors, more features and some tightened up code. Woo!

Just a quick side note, but the website redesign is coming along and should be done within a few weeks. At that point greenTech will also be available via installer. Sorry about the delay, but there’s been a few mishaps with the SQL databases. Not that I know what I’m doing; thankfully Garion is on top of all that. 🙂

Spirits of Metropolis ver 1.06 released!

I’m happy to give you the first details on the newest patch to Spirits of Metropolis. 
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