Downtime This Week

Just a quick note that I’m going to be in the process of converting the old site into the new and improved website that Garion has created for us. There will be some slight hitches here and there for this coming week, but I think its a major improvement and I can’t wait till its all done. The forums will be unaffected by the switch, and the Blog will be down for the upgrade from 2.3 to 2.7.  Thanks everybody!

4 Commentsto Downtime This Week

  1. chubigans says:

    And now we’re at 2.7. Mostly behind the scenes stuff but the blog will be outfitted with some new things soon!

  2. Ironfruit says:

    Any Clues? 😀

  3. chubigans says:

    The new blog will be up tonight, and it looks spiffy. 😀

    You’re going to be seeing a lot of weird things today, but I’ll make a blog post once it’s finalized.

  4. Ironfruit says:

    This will take some getting use to. Anyway, looks nice.