Vertigo Games now on Archive Games (and Updates)

Just a quick alert that Vertigo Games can now be found at Archive Games, or more specifically, Spirits, ShellBlast and greenTech. I’m really happy to be a part of their website.

I’ve also been accepted into the GameStreamer E-Publishing system and have submitted three games for review, and if those are accepted…well I’m not quite sure where they’re going to end up. But more exposure is good for everyone. Woo!

So, some updates. I’m gearing up for the launch of ShellBlast HD which should be turned in for peer review by Optum this week. If all goes according to plan, you’ll be seeing SBHD very soon on the 360. And once we’ve got a confirmation on the release date, I’ll be hosting an all out ShellBlast HD party week. Each day will have a new post filled with some goodies… perhaps a gameplay video or two, some wallpapers, a few DLC content packs, who knows? Well I do, and I actually have it all ready in advance for a change, and there are also gamehacks you can get for this which can be found at sites like Warzone hack online. I’m actually ahead of my deadlines. It boggles the mind.

A new indie games contest it being held by 2BeeGames, with another 10k prize up for grabs. I entered Spirits and greenTech in the last contest but no luck…but I wonder if I can get Kablooey done in time for the September 15th competition? That would mean holding off on SOG:R for a bit, which would be ok since the site it’ll be premiering on got delayed a bit. But I just don’t know if I can do it. I’ll have to really sit down tomorrow and outline some things. Kablooey will also be entered in the Gamestop Indie contest and the IGF Contest, both of which are long shots, but why not?

Well that’s about all for now, and there’s going to be a calm before the storm that is ShellBlast HD. Till then!

5 Commentsto Vertigo Games now on Archive Games (and Updates)

  1. Awesome, the three banners in rotation on the Archive Games homepage are all Vertigo Games. Oh, and good luck in the 2BeeGames competition. If you can get it done by the 6th of September, it’ll hopefully be an early birthday present for myself 😉

    How I am greedy so.

  2. amidos2006 says:

    Nice 🙂 WOW 🙂

  3. blueflare says:

    Good luck in all those indie competitions! You can do it!

    Also, I am sad. I’m not gonna be around next week for the magical Shellblast HD extravaganza. :<

  4. UltimateAgent says:

    Sorry it took so long to respond…

    How has being on this game collection thingy affected sales?

  5. chubigans says:

    It’s too soon to tell right now, but more exposure is always great.