Randomness #210: Slew of Gaming Edition

I haven’t posted much, not for lack of stuff to post about, but rather the stuff that I would like to post about isn’t something I can discuss until the “appropriate time.” So, I’ve just been working on games and enjoying the slew of awesomeness that is the Gaming Holiday Season. And eagerly awaiting the 2BeeGames’ competition results, of course.

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Why all games fall in the holiday season, well, I dunno. Some are obviously here to be grand slam hits like Modern Warfare 2, but why Borderlands? Here’s a game I knew nothing about and would fall in love with on a lazy summer binge of gaming… ah heck, I still love it, but it’s just a bit of a hassle with everything that’s going on now. Darn you, Borderlands!

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Borderlands is like a single player MMO game. I don’t ever want to play an MMO game, ever, but since BL isn’t technically one I was free to enjoy it, and hoo boy is it great. Basically you just travel around a wasteland and kill bad dudes. Then you level up and raid chests for guns and grenades. Repeat for fifty hours. The split-screen multi is what really makes this game shine…I haven’t had this much fun split-screenin’ it up since Rainbow Six on the N64. Good times. If you like video games, check these guys out, they have a lot of incredible online casino games with amazing prizes.

Before all that I was addicted to Uncharted 2…great game, and I totally Platinum’d that sucker, but what I haven’t been looking forward to is Modern Warfare 2, despite my fully-paid preorder. General first impressions from a forum I visit is that it’s a lot like the first one…not good news at all for me, as I didn’t much care for COD4. Maybe I should change my preorder to Ratchet and Clank or that Saboteur game, I dunno. I sure could use a good four player splitscreen game though. Decisions, decisions.

So what have yall been playing lately?

5 Commentsto Randomness #210: Slew of Gaming Edition

  1. JGeer says:

    You should try Demon’s Souls. It’s ridiculously compulsive gaming for me right now.

  2. UltimateAgent says:

    I thoroughly enjoy Killing Floor on PC, might check that out.

  3. I was going to get Borderlands but decided against it at the last moment, simply because I’ve got too much to play. Right now, I’m working my way through the Metroid Prime: Trilogy. The design is nothing short of spectacular. After that, I intend to purchase Modern Warfare 2 and maybe, if I get time, New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I love me some side scrolling platformers.

  4. zacattack says:

    could not sleep so played PORTAL all night.
    P.S so tired